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Writer's picture: lesliemoorewriteslesliemoorewrites

Why does suffering exist?


On the heels of Jesus’ suffering on the cross, this month we’ll look at suffering here on earth and how we can find joy and purpose amid the pain.


Genesis 3 tells the account of how sin and suffering came into the world. But our God was not surprised. He spelled out the plan for our redemption only a few verses after Adam and Eve sinned. The plan would center around the horrific murder of His only Son. He would take our punishment. He would make right every wrong we committed.


This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but theologically, there are four reasons why suffering exists.


-Our own sin

Our own sin has consequences and sometimes forms of suffering can land upon us because of our own poor choices.


-Other people’s sins

Unfortunately, we can feel the repercussions of other's sins if we are closely involved or even at the “wrong place at the wrong time.”


-The Enemy

Scripture tells us that we have an enemy. He was there in the garden at the very beginning, and 1 Peter 5:8, tells us he is like a lion, prowling around looking for someone to devour. Jesus says in John 10:10, he comes to steal, kill, and destroy.


-Lastly, we live in a fallen and broken world

A world wrecked with sin was not God’s design. On a macro and micro level, we see the effects of the fall: In Genesis, on a large scale through natural disasters, and on the microscopic level with viruses and disease. Starting in verse 16 of Genesis 3, we see God declaring the curse of sin from the ground we must work for food, to the pain women feel in childbirth. 


Although suffering and pain entered the world all those years ago in the garden, our God didn’t leave us there. He was ready with a plan and a Savior, and a future hope in heaven with Him.


Next week we’ll look at how God could use the suffering and murder of an innocent Man to redeem the whole world. Hope to see you here!


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