Happy Friday!
Is God in the small things? Does He use simple, ordinary objects to accomplish His tasks? The short answer is yes.
Today, we’re looking at three examples found in the Old Testament.
1.     A staff
In Exodus 4:2-4, God uses Moses’ shepherding staff to work miracles before Pharoah. Moses continued to use his staff while in the wilderness. He even used this staff to win the battle against Amalekites in Exodus 17.
2.     A fleece
In Judges 6:36-40, Gideon, fearful and questioning God’s call, used a fleece to test and confirm God’s will.
3.     A jawbone
In Judges 15:15, strong Samson took up the jawbone of a donkey and slaughtered 1,000 Philistines. What a story!
Our God is mighty and can even use a simple, wooden shepherd’s staff, a woolen fleece, and a donkey’s jawbone to accomplish His will.
Has God ever used a simple object in your life as a way to speak to you or help you share your faith with another?