Happy Friday!
Today we will conclude our brief study of 1 John. I pray this abbreviated study has blessed you.
1 John chapter 5 verse:
2—Jesus taught in Matthew 22:34-40 that the greatest commanded was to love the Lord your God and the second to love your neighbor. John echoes that here.
4—That’s us! We are overcomers through Christ. We are overcomers through our faith. How do we overcome the world? Through our faith. Faith in Jesus, that He is the Son of God, that He gives life, that He takes away sin, and that He has conquered death.
9—If we believe the word of men, why do we doubt the word of God? God is greater. His word is firm. His testimony proven over and over.
12—Simple truth—With Jesus there is life. Without Jesus there is no life.
13—John is writing to believers so that we might be confident and know our hope is secure. How wonderful!
14—What can we do with this confidence in our faith and the person of Jesus and God? Ask anything and He will hear us. What a joyous comfort!
21—final word—Keep yourselves from idols. John knew we would be good little idol making factories and so he warns us here.
What is your takeaway from 1 John? Any particular teaching the Lord has shown you through reading this short, but joyfully packed letter?
Thanks for being here!