Happy Friday!
Welcome to chapter four of 1 John. We’ll be highlighting and discussing a few verse that stood out to me in my reading. Comment below which verse stood out to you! I’d love to hear what God is doing through your reading.
1 John chapter 4 verse:
4—Jesus is greater that the Devil, the evil one who is at work in the world.
6—Those who follow God listen to Him and to His anointed teachers/pastors.
7—Love is from God and God is love.
9—The gospel! Jesus came so we might live.
7-12—Love. It is God. We cannot be “in God” and not have love.
14—John’s personal declaration— “we”—Jesus’ disciples have seen and heard. Now, here John is testifying to the truth he witnessed and to the validity of the gospel.
18—There is no fear in love. We need not be afraid in the true sense of fear when we are fully loved by God. Jesus didn’t wait for us to get our life together before He came. He came and rescued us in the midst of our mess.
19—Truth. We love because He loved us. God is the source of love and thus the only reason the world has love today. We gain a greater understanding of love the more we study the character and nature of God. The ultimate display of love, the manifestation of His love, was the cross.
21—We must love! It is a commandment.
“Abide” is used again in this short chapter 6 times. How important is it for us to abide—stay close, draw near, and remain—near our Lord daily? John must have known we needed to hear this word many times so that we would remember the important obedience of abiding with our Lord. How do you practice abiding with God everyday? Which verses stood our to most in chapter four?