As We Wait
A silent snowflake on a canvas of white
First bud and bloom to welcome spring
Warm sunlight cast on a summer morn
Crimson leaf bursting to signal fall
While we wrestle with decision
Search for our provision
Pour out prayers for remission
Spend nine months in anticipation
Breath held tight in hope
From birth to death, we exist in wait
But perhaps
Goodness and beauty exist there, too
Dormancy brings growth
Growth gives life
Life births hope
Hope sustains
May we remain
Blanketed in gratitude
Wrapped securely
In His love and care
Trusting that He holds it all
As we wait
~Christianne, 2023~
"I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:13,14 NIV
As we wrap up the "God in our Waiting" series, I pray you find hope and encouragement while waiting for God. May patience and fortitude sustain you through the thickets, and may goodness and beauty grace your path as you meander through the meadows of life.