January is a time where most of the world writes goals for the upcoming year. We usually set the bar way too high.
“It’s a fresh start! A new year!” we tell ourselves. We’re excited at the start, but within two weeks have failed miserably at said goal.
It’s tough. I love writing goals. I especially enjoy reflecting on the previous year and analyzing what worked and what didn’t. It’s usually about June before I find my January goal list tucked away due to the chaos that ensued around week three of January, and I chuckle at how ambitious I was. Yet every year, I get the same excitement th
at perhaps this is the year that I can actually accomplish what I set out to do.
I don’t know if the goals are set too high, or if I’m just that lousy, but regardless, hopefully one day I’ll get my life together. I’m not expecting this to be the year that it all happens, but I do want to challenge myself and you to consider a different app
roach to goal setting and reflection as we start on 2023.
I heard a sermon on this topic a few months ago—what is the next thing? What is God calling you to do next? Instead of sitting down and reflecting on myself, why not reflect on God? Sit down with His word instead of my to-do list? Sit
down in prayer as opposed to sitting down to “figure it out”?
It really shouldn’t be, “What are my goals?” but, “What does He have for me?”. How can I walk in obedience this year to all that He has called me to do?
Over the remaining Fridays, we’ll talk about:
-What is that in your hand?
-How to determine if our “next thing” will bring glory to God.
-Excuses we might have and how to overcome.
Can’t wait to see you there and pray God will speak to you through this series!