Happy Friday!
As believers, we were created to live life in community. We were never meant to do this life alone. Yet we all can be guilty of trudging along life’s path, rejecting help, only to find ourselves waist-deep in a mud hole unable to get out. Then, have no choice but to begrudgingly or perhaps by then, happily accept help to get back on our feet.
Regardless of where we are in life’s journey, alone is not where God wants us to stay. Scripture makes that crystal clear! (which is always a plus)
Ecclesiastes 4:7-12, tells the sad tale of a man alone. No brother, no son, and his “eyes are never satisfied.” Sounds pretty miserable, right? We can learn a few lessons from his plight including the downside of being alone, along with seeing the positives of having a community of friends around us. Companions are not just for the bad days either. We should strive to be a good friend to others all the time.
1. Progress:
When we have others working alongside us, we typically work harder and faster, and the work atmosphere is overall better than working alone, verse 8 explains. We also find more meaning in our work when we know we’re doing it for someone else’s benefit, not just our own. Like our children or spouse. Progress can be found in togetherness.
2. Encouragement:
Verse 9 tells us, “Two are better than one.” If one falls, another is there to pick him up. We can see the physical and emotional application here. Encouragement can be found in togetherness.
3. Comfort:
Verse 11 goes on to say there is practicality in togetherness in that when two lie down, they keep warm. But when one lies down, how can he stay warm alone? Comfort can be found in togetherness.
4. Protection:
Lastly, verse 12 explains that one might be overtaken by an attacker, but two will withstand him, and three is even better. Protection can be found in togetherness.
If this list doesn’t encourage you to find community, I don’t know what will! It’s powerful to see the benefits we can find in sticking together. How are you cultivating relationships in your life? Which point stands out to you?
*Original points from Pastor David Whitten, Temple Baptist Church