Happy Friday!
The past two weeks we’ve been talking about perseverance and what Scripture has to say about endurance and never giving up.
Paul is speaking to us again today about not giving up in Galatians 6:7-10. Here is the takeaway:
-don’t become weary in doing good
-don’t give up
-do good to everyone
-God is faithful. Whatever one sows, that he will reap.
But why should we persevere? What hope is there for us? Verse 9 tells us that if we sow seeds to the Spirit, in the proper season, we will reap a harvest in eternal life. This is a promise here!
On another note, I believe what Paul is emphasizing correlates with Mark 14:38, “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” So often in our Christian walk, we can feel as though there are so many demands on our time, finances, and energy. And sometimes, our best intentions are derailed. Christians can feel as though there is no way to meet all the needs around us. Paul is encouraging us here—Don’t give up! Keep doing good! Because you will reap a harvest if you do not give up.
From Jesus’ example while on earth, here are a few things to help us maintain the faith and persevere:
-Rest! Jesus often went away from the crowds to rest and pray. Even God the Father took a day to rest after He created the world. Was it because He was tired? No. He was modeling rest for us. We should take note and follow His example. We were created with this need to rest and realign with Him.
-Take a walk. Daniel had been mourning and fasting over a vision (Daniel 10). He decided to take a walk and this is where the angel of the Lord (most Bible scholars believe this was Jesus) met him by the river and spoke to him. Getting outside can adjust our view and provide relief from anxiety.
-Study your own habits and discover what fills your cup. We all need to be recharged sometimes. When we find things that fill our cup, it can really help to work these into our schedule when we’re feeling drained.
-Pray. Prayer is powerful and the simple act of praying to God can change your perspective.
So, keep sowing those seeds in your life, at your workplace, and in your home. Your work for the Lord is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58.
What do you do to fill your cup? How do you keep the faith and persevere?