How can we overcome fear? Part one
We can find ourselves filled with fear—planted like a tree in the ground. We are stunned. What do we do? What does the Bible tell us about overcoming fear?
Here are a few thoughts to consider the next time you are struck with fear:
1. Remember Who we serve. Go to Scripture and read about our God. He is faithful and His love endures forever. He is just and holy. Preach the gospel to yourself and know that God has got you and nothing can separate you from His love (Romans 8:35-39). He promises to be with us (Is. 41:10)
2. Pray and surrender your fears to God. Instead of white-knuckling your fears or trying in your strength to overcome them, cast them at the feet of Jesus in prayer—and leave them there! Sometimes we try to pick them back up and carry them again.
3. Lean in to what you believe about God and trust Him. Have you ever asked yourself, do I really believe what I say I believe? When we are held to the fire, often times God is showing us where we stand. We think we know, but sometimes we’re surprised at our lack of faith—I know I am. God already knows where our faith lies, and sometimes we need to be reminded of our need for him.
So where are you today? Are you battling fear? What has God shown you in your own life about fear?