Last week, we talked about watching our thoughts and how we can take them captive for Christ.
Another way to be ready for the battle within our minds is to guard our hearts. Proverbs says “Above all else guard your heart, for from it flow the wellsprings of life.”
How do we guard our hearts? I had a pastor once say, "If you don't want to slip down, don’t walk in slippery places." If we know of areas in our life that cause us to stumble and fall, we should avoid those. And if you don’t know for sure, pray. Ask God to show you those areas in your life where you are prone to wander and sin. We all have those things that trip us up or pull at us, drawing our attention away from Jesus.
How are your guarding your heart? I pray the Lord reveals areas in your life where you are prone to wander and that you are able to guard your heart from those things.