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God's Love on Display

Writer's picture: lesliemoorewriteslesliemoorewrites

How does God display His love and how can we love others?

John 3:16/ Romans 8:32

No better display of love will there ever be than Jesus on the cross. In Romans 5:8, Paul says, “God shows His love for us in this, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” We also understand God’s love in this, that if He did not spare His own son, but give Him up for us, how much more will He also give us all things?

Wow. Take a deep breath before this next thought…

And nothing can separate us from His love! And Paul gives a pretty scary list in Romans 8:35-39.

How amazing is the love of God for us?

The two greatest commandments Jesus gives us—Love God and love each other as yourself.

How can we love others as ourselves? Think about ways that you can show God’s love to people around you. Not just your family and friends—they’re easy to love (for the most part), but what about that rude co-worker or that friend who points out everything that’s wrong with you… or the person who flips you off in traffic… or the irritable cashier at the grocery store? How can we display God’s love to the more “difficult” people around us?

Sometimes a smile and a kind reply is everything. Lean into the Holy Spirit in these moments. He promises to meet us there. Ask Him for words or self-control. And when you think you might explode, think about God’s display of love for us—in all our sin and shame, He chose us anyway. How do you show God’s love?

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