Happy Friday and welcome back!
Today, we’re wrapping up the Be a Doer series with a very important component of being a doer. Knowing your why.

-Why do we as believers long to be “doers of the Word”?
-Why do we strive to fulfill our dreams?
-Why do we write goals every year?
What is your reason for waking up early to get started, for making your list, for studying, for reading, for doing, for staying up late to keep working?
Knowing your why will be the one gleaming light on the dark days when all else feels lost. When you face a closed door. When you feel discouraged. When you think that perhaps this is a terrible idea after all. When you think, “What was I thinking? I can never achieve ______.” On those days, you remind yourself of your why. Your why is the glue that will hold all the little independent steps you’ve taken toward your goal together.
Why did you start? Why did you reach for this dream when you had others?
As believers, we long to be “doers of the Word” because Jesus tells us in John 14:15, “If you love me, keep my commands.” Obedience speaks love to our God. Obedience to His word and His commands also protects us from many heartaches in this world. This “why” is an easy one to answer.
What about your other “why”?
Maybe your goal is exercise-related and your why might be to feel stronger, lose pounds, or keep up with your kids/grandkids.
Maybe your goal is to finally travel to a city or country you’ve been dreaming about. Your why might be a call to adventure or to visit a beautiful place you’ve longed for decades to see.
Maybe your goal is to complete your degree or open your own business. Your why might be to gain independence, better support your family, or gain more time or opportunities for you and your family.
Or maybe, like me, your “why” is God-given. My “why” goes back to God calling me to write in 2018. On days when I’ve wanted to quit (which have been many days), when writing felt like a waste of time and effort because no one will read it, when I was sure I was writing garbage, or that I wouldn’t be able to stand after the blow of rejection, I had to go back to the beginning. Back to my why. Why did I start? Why do I choose to rise again after the pain of critique and rejection? Why do I keep reading, keep writing, keep striving toward the goal? Because of my why.
So, what is your why?