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Be A Doer of Your Own Word

Writer's picture: lesliemoorewriteslesliemoorewrites

Be a doer of your own word.

Happy Friday!

Last week, we discussed being doers of the Word. This week I’m pivoting inward and specifically considering “doing” as it pertains to goals and God’s call in your life.

Sometimes we dream and reach for things that might be unrealistic. “One day, I’ll climb Mount Everest!” But for the uncoordinated mom whose tallest “mountain” is the accumulated laundry pile from the last two weeks or the kiddie rock wall at the mall, she probably has a slim chance of climbing the tallest mountain in the world, right?

But what about those things we feel called to do? The one deep in our gut we are pretty certain is the next big thing for us?

I hear this from people constantly, “One day, I’ll…” and the list goes on and on. Complied dreams and hopes. From trips, to concerts, to books to be written, books to be read, loved one to reconnect with, household projects. The list of “one days” is endless!

And right now, anything and everything is barring their path forward.

I want to challenge you in this New Year. Be a doer! Make it happen. Create tangible steps towards accomplishing the dreams you feel called or led to do. Make up your mind that 2025 is your year! And after you’ve set your mind to accomplish this amazing feat, just remember…

You’ll lose your footing along the way. You’ll start going backward instead of forwards. But when you get discouraged (because we all do) remember that trying is better than dreaming or wishing or hoping. When you strive, you’re making tangible steps towards your goal, even if it takes longer to reach than you hoped.

Make that “one day” start today.

Here are a few general, encouraging jumping-off points for you:

-Make a list of dreams and goals.

-Do your research. How can you make it happen? What is your first step? Dream big, focus small.

-Pray! Seek wise council.

-Write a reasonable deadline for yourself.

-Work backward to create attainable goals/steps to get you there. Yearly goals broken down into quarterly goals, broken down into monthly goals, broken down into weekly goals. And even daily goals!

-Celebrate small victories along the way. Even just making a list, acknowledging and speaking life into this goal or dream, is a huge step!

Consistency is key. Specifically, consistency over time. In the words of fitness instructor, Autumn Calabrese, “Success is achieved and maintained by doing and then continuing to do. You can’t talk about it or think about it. You have to do it!”

As for me, I want to be a doer and not just a dreamer. But life happens. Big, unavoidable events land in the pathway of progress so give yourself grace when those days come and then pray, wash your face, stand up, and get right back after it.

As C.S. Lewis put it, “If we let ourselves, we shall always be waiting for some distraction or other to end before we can really get down to our work. The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge (or a dream or calling) so badly that they seek it while the conditions are still unfavorable. Favorable conditions never come.”

So… what are you waiting for? Be a doer!

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