Which soil are you?
Jesus lists four types of soil in Luke 8:
1. A pathway, vs 5
The sower casted his seed and some fell along the pathway. It was trampled underfoot and then birds camp along and devoured it.
2. Rock vs 6
Some seeds fell on the rock and it did produce, but as it came up, it had no moisture and so it withered.
3. Thorny vs7
Other seed fell among thorns and as the seed and thorn grew up together, the thorns choked the seed.
4. Good soil vs 8
And lastly, some seed fell on good soil. The good soil grew and yielded a hundredfold, sixtyfold and another, thirtyfold.
Jesus using tending to a garden and its soil as a metaphor for the soil of our hearts. When seed, or teachings from his word are cast out upon us, the condition of the soil in our hearts can determine whether or not the teaching takes roots and yields the appropriate fruit.
See Matthew 13: 18-23 for Jesus’ explanation of the soils.
What is the condition of the soil in your heart today? Do you need prayer? I pray that we find ourselves having rich, moist, soft soil so that the roots of God’s word will penetrate deep into our hearts and yield a mighty harvest for the glory of His name.