Judas versus Mary
Mary viewed Jesus as the resurrection and the life. Priceless. She could see past the cares and the constant pull of this world. The eternal worth of Jesus far outweighed the earthly gain she could find with her perfume.
Judas’ response about the poor is so noble, but God knew his heart. He could only see the money. The gain he could possess and the perceived waste literally puddled on the dirt floor. He viewed Mary’s expression of worship as utterly wasteful. And as John points out, Judas voiced his concern because he was a thief and helping himself to the money. A years’ wage would’ve felt pretty nice in his pocket. How shortsighted is Judas! He wasn’t focused on Jesus at all and especially not on the infinite, eternal worth of Jesus.
In fact, Judas does the opposite of Mary. Mary poured out a year’s wage, roughly believed to be $25,000 in worship to Jesus and a few days after this, Judas would sell Jesus for thirty pieces of silvery or around $1,000.
We can all find ourselves upside down and valuing the wrong things from time to time. The best news is that our Savior is a prayer away and we need only ask for forgiveness. He is faithful and just and will forgive us when we ask Him. (1 John 1:9)
Which point of view do you find yourself in today? Mary or Judas? Viewing Jesus as the greatest treasure ever in the history of humanity or are earthly treasures more important?